The basic vehicle, which can be converted, has now been financed – THAN YOU VERY MUCH to all donors - the financial means for the handicapped-accessible conversion are still missing!

"Not to be disabled is truly no achievement, but a gift that may be taken from any of us at any given moment." (Richard v. Weizsäcker / Original German quote to be found on the German page)

Melli in her wheelchair at the bank of the river

Mobility is taken for granted by everyone nowadays. But what happens when a diagnosis of an incurable disease takes that away from you and you end up in a wheelchair? When you "simply" need a vehicle that is adapted to your very own and particular needs in order to participate in everyday social life, but this vehicle costs between € 80.000-100.000?

Financial support from the government is generally only available for individuals that are working. Since I am a Student I am not deemed as requiring this support. The life of the disabled is generally very costly (accessible living space, aids and adaptations, therapies...). My husbands salary and the expectable revenue from the sale of our current car therefore is not enough to allow us to purchase an adapted vehicle out right. For that reason I joined the organisation Mobil mit Behinderung e. V. (MMB), that has checked my request and that advises me with my dream of individualised mobility and that publicly fights for the equal rights of individuals with disabilities to participation in everyday social life (See letter from MMB e.V. on "HELP Melli" - available only in German). I contacted several charities for support and I have received pledges of financial support of around € 10.000 from them on the condition that the overall financing is ensured. This is fantastic, but considering the above mentioned total sum this is but "a drop in the ocean".


"He who fights, can loose. He who doesn't fight, has already lost." (Bertold Brecht)


Welcome to my webpage!

I write how and what I feel. Please excuse any spelling and grammatical errors. I consciously decided to write as though I am talking to a person I know eventhough I hope that many people and companies I don't know will visit my page and support  the realisation of my dream - INDEPEPENDENT PARTICIPATION IN SOCIAL LIFE THROUGH MOBILITY.

To me it feels more personal to write from my heart and to forego formalities! Many thanks for your understanding!

the mach-melli-mobil-logo

With my webpage I want to draw attention to the desolate situation of support of people with disabilities and to create an awareness, how "easy" everyday life is for a healthy person. And of course I want



with the realisation of my dream of Mobility and Participation!

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